HTML entities

A collection of all HTML entities with their name and code.

I've included a filter to easily locate and copy the one you are searching for.

entity name entity code
character tabulation
line feed

exclamation mark !
quotation mark "
number sign #
dollar sign $
percent sign %
ampersand &
apostrophe '
left parenthesis (
right parenthesis )
asterisk *
plus sign +
comma ,
full stop .
solidus /
colon :
semicolon ;
less-than sign <
equals sign =
greater-than sign >
question mark ?
commercial at @
left square bracket [
reverse solidus \
right square bracket ]
circumflex accent ^
low line _
grave accent `
left curly bracket {
vertical line |
right curly bracket }
no-break space  
inverted exclamation mark ¡
cent sign ¢
pound sign £
currency sign ¤
yen sign ¥
broken bar ¦
section sign §
diaeresis ¨
copyright sign ©
feminine ordinal indicator ª
left-pointing double angle quotation mark «
not sign ¬
soft hyphen ­
registered sign ®
macron ¯
degree sign °
plus-minus sign ±
superscript two ²
superscript three ³
acute accent ´
micro sign µ
pilcrow sign
middle dot ·
cedilla ¸
superscript one ¹
masculine ordinal indicator º
right-pointing double angle quotation mark »
vulgar fraction one quarter ¼
vulgar fraction one half ½
vulgar fraction three quarters ¾
inverted question mark ¿
latin capital letter a with grave À
latin capital letter a with acute Á
latin capital letter a with circumflex Â
latin capital letter a with tilde Ã
latin capital letter a with diaeresis Ä
latin capital letter a with ring above Å
latin capital letter ae Æ
latin capital letter c with cedilla Ç
latin capital letter e with grave È
latin capital letter e with acute É
latin capital letter e with circumflex Ê
latin capital letter e with diaeresis Ë
latin capital letter i with grave Ì
latin capital letter i with acute Í
latin capital letter i with circumflex Î
latin capital letter i with diaeresis Ï
latin capital letter eth Ð
latin capital letter n with tilde Ñ
latin capital letter o with grave Ò
latin capital letter o with acute Ó
latin capital letter o with circumflex Ô
latin capital letter o with tilde Õ
latin capital letter o with diaeresis Ö
multiplication sign ×
latin capital letter o with stroke Ø
latin capital letter u with grave Ù
latin capital letter u with acute Ú
latin capital letter u with circumflex Û
latin capital letter u with diaeresis Ü
latin capital letter y with acute Ý
latin capital letter thorn Þ
latin small letter sharp s ß
latin small letter a with grave à
latin small letter a with acute á
latin small letter a with circumflex â
latin small letter a with tilde ã
latin small letter a with diaeresis ä
latin small letter a with ring above å
latin small letter ae æ
latin small letter c with cedilla ç
latin small letter e with grave è
latin small letter e with acute é
latin small letter e with circumflex ê
latin small letter e with diaeresis ë
latin small letter i with grave ì
latin small letter i with acute í
latin small letter i with circumflex î
latin small letter i with diaeresis ï
latin small letter eth ð
latin small letter n with tilde ñ
latin small letter o with grave ò
latin small letter o with acute ó
latin small letter o with circumflex ô
latin small letter o with tilde õ
latin small letter o with diaeresis ö
division sign ÷
latin small letter o with stroke ø
latin small letter u with grave ù
latin small letter u with acute ú
latin small letter u with circumflex û
latin small letter u with diaeresis ü
latin small letter y with acute ý
latin small letter thorn þ
latin small letter y with diaeresis ÿ
latin capital letter a with macron Ā
latin small letter a with macron ā
latin capital letter a with breve Ă
latin small letter a with breve ă
latin capital letter a with ogonek Ą
latin small letter a with ogonek ą
latin capital letter c with acute Ć
latin small letter c with acute ć
latin capital letter c with circumflex Ĉ
latin small letter c with circumflex ĉ
latin capital letter c with dot above Ċ
latin small letter c with dot above ċ
latin capital letter c with caron Č
latin small letter c with caron č
latin capital letter d with caron Ď
latin small letter d with caron ď
latin capital letter d with stroke Đ
latin small letter d with stroke đ
latin capital letter e with macron Ē
latin small letter e with macron ē
latin capital letter e with dot above Ė
latin small letter e with dot above ė
latin capital letter e with ogonek Ę
latin small letter e with ogonek ę
latin capital letter e with caron Ě
latin small letter e with caron ě
latin capital letter g with circumflex Ĝ
latin small letter g with circumflex ĝ
latin capital letter g with breve Ğ
latin small letter g with breve ğ
latin capital letter g with dot above Ġ
latin small letter g with dot above ġ
latin capital letter g with cedilla Ģ
latin capital letter h with circumflex Ĥ
latin small letter h with circumflex ĥ
latin capital letter h with stroke Ħ
latin small letter h with stroke ħ
latin capital letter i with tilde Ĩ
latin small letter i with tilde ĩ
latin capital letter i with macron Ī
latin small letter i with macron ī
latin capital letter i with ogonek Į
latin small letter i with ogonek į
latin capital letter i with dot above İ
latin small letter dotless i ı
latin capital ligature ij IJ
latin small ligature ij ij
latin capital letter j with circumflex Ĵ
latin small letter j with circumflex ĵ
latin capital letter k with cedilla Ķ
latin small letter k with cedilla ķ
latin small letter kra ĸ
latin capital letter l with acute Ĺ
latin small letter l with acute ĺ
latin capital letter l with cedilla Ļ
latin small letter l with cedilla ļ
latin capital letter l with caron Ľ
latin small letter l with caron ľ
latin capital letter l with middle dot Ŀ
latin small letter l with middle dot ŀ
latin capital letter l with stroke Ł
latin small letter l with stroke ł
latin capital letter n with acute Ń
latin small letter n with acute ń
latin capital letter n with cedilla Ņ
latin small letter n with cedilla ņ
latin capital letter n with caron Ň
latin small letter n with caron ň
latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe ʼn
latin capital letter eng Ŋ
latin small letter eng ŋ
latin capital letter o with macron Ō
latin small letter o with macron ō
latin capital letter o with double acute Ő
latin small letter o with double acute ő
latin capital ligature oe Œ
latin small ligature oe œ
latin capital letter r with acute Ŕ
latin small letter r with acute ŕ
latin capital letter r with cedilla Ŗ
latin small letter r with cedilla ŗ
latin capital letter r with caron Ř
latin small letter r with caron ř
latin capital letter s with acute Ś
latin small letter s with acute ś
latin capital letter s with circumflex Ŝ
latin small letter s with circumflex ŝ
latin capital letter s with cedilla Ş
latin small letter s with cedilla ş
latin capital letter s with caron Š
latin small letter s with caron š
latin capital letter t with cedilla Ţ
latin small letter t with cedilla ţ
latin capital letter t with caron Ť
latin small letter t with caron ť
latin capital letter t with stroke Ŧ
latin small letter t with stroke ŧ
latin capital letter u with tilde Ũ
latin small letter u with tilde ũ
latin capital letter u with macron Ū
latin small letter u with macron ū
latin capital letter u with breve Ŭ
latin small letter u with breve ŭ
latin capital letter u with ring above Ů
latin small letter u with ring above ů
latin capital letter u with double acute Ű
latin small letter u with double acute ű
latin capital letter u with ogonek Ų
latin small letter u with ogonek ų
latin capital letter w with circumflex Ŵ
latin small letter w with circumflex ŵ
latin capital letter y with circumflex Ŷ
latin small letter y with circumflex ŷ
latin capital letter y with diaeresis Ÿ
latin capital letter z with acute Ź
latin small letter z with acute ź
latin capital letter z with dot above Ż
latin small letter z with dot above ż
latin capital letter z with caron Ž
latin small letter z with caron ž
latin small letter f with hook ƒ
latin capital letter z with stroke Ƶ
latin small letter g with acute ǵ
latin small letter dotless j ȷ
modifier letter circumflex accent ˆ
caron ˇ
breve ˘
dot above ˙
ring above ˚
ogonek ˛
small tilde ˜
double acute accent ˝
combining inverted breve ̑
combining low line ̲
greek capital letter alpha Α
greek capital letter beta Β
greek capital letter gamma Γ
greek capital letter delta Δ
greek capital letter epsilon Ε
greek capital letter zeta Ζ
greek capital letter eta Η
greek capital letter theta Θ
greek capital letter iota Ι
greek capital letter kappa Κ
greek capital letter lamda Λ
greek capital letter mu Μ
greek capital letter nu Ν
greek capital letter xi Ξ
greek capital letter omicron Ο
greek capital letter pi Π
greek capital letter rho Ρ
greek capital letter sigma Σ
greek capital letter tau Τ
greek capital letter upsilon Υ
greek capital letter phi Φ
greek capital letter chi Χ
greek capital letter psi Ψ
greek capital letter omega Ω
greek small letter alpha α
greek small letter beta β
greek small letter gamma γ
greek small letter delta δ
greek small letter epsilon ε
greek small letter zeta ζ
greek small letter eta η
greek small letter theta θ
greek small letter iota ι
greek small letter kappa κ
greek small letter lamda λ
greek small letter mu μ
greek small letter nu ν
greek small letter xi ξ
greek small letter omicron ο
greek small letter pi π
greek small letter rho ρ
greek small letter final sigma ς
greek small letter sigma σ
greek small letter tau τ
greek small letter upsilon υ
greek small letter phi φ
greek small letter chi χ
greek small letter psi ψ
greek small letter omega ω
greek theta symbol ϑ
greek upsilon with hook symbol ϒ
greek phi symbol ϕ
greek pi symbol ϖ
greek letter digamma Ϝ
greek small letter digamma ϝ
greek kappa symbol ϰ
greek rho symbol ϱ
greek lunate epsilon symbol ϵ
greek reversed lunate epsilon symbol ϶
cyrillic capital letter io Ё
cyrillic capital letter dje Ђ
cyrillic capital letter gje Ѓ
cyrillic capital letter ukrainian ie Є
cyrillic capital letter dze Ѕ
cyrillic capital letter byelorussian-ukrainian i І
cyrillic capital letter yi Ї
cyrillic capital letter je Ј
cyrillic capital letter lje Љ
cyrillic capital letter nje Њ
cyrillic capital letter tshe Ћ
cyrillic capital letter kje Ќ
cyrillic capital letter short u Ў
cyrillic capital letter dzhe Џ
cyrillic capital letter a А
cyrillic capital letter be Б
cyrillic capital letter ve В
cyrillic capital letter ghe Г
cyrillic capital letter de Д
cyrillic capital letter ie Е
cyrillic capital letter zhe Ж
cyrillic capital letter ze З
cyrillic capital letter i И
cyrillic capital letter short i Й
cyrillic capital letter ka К
cyrillic capital letter el Л
cyrillic capital letter em М
cyrillic capital letter en Н
cyrillic capital letter o О
cyrillic capital letter pe П
cyrillic capital letter er Р
cyrillic capital letter es С
cyrillic capital letter te Т
cyrillic capital letter u У
cyrillic capital letter ef Ф
cyrillic capital letter ha Х
cyrillic capital letter tse Ц
cyrillic capital letter che Ч
cyrillic capital letter sha Ш
cyrillic capital letter shcha Щ
cyrillic capital letter hard sign Ъ
cyrillic capital letter yeru Ы
cyrillic capital letter soft sign Ь
cyrillic capital letter e Э
cyrillic capital letter yu Ю
cyrillic capital letter ya Я
cyrillic small letter a а
cyrillic small letter be б
cyrillic small letter ve в
cyrillic small letter ghe г
cyrillic small letter de д
cyrillic small letter ie е
cyrillic small letter zhe ж
cyrillic small letter ze з
cyrillic small letter i и
cyrillic small letter short i й
cyrillic small letter ka к
cyrillic small letter el л
cyrillic small letter em м
cyrillic small letter en н
cyrillic small letter o о
cyrillic small letter pe п
cyrillic small letter er р
cyrillic small letter es с
cyrillic small letter te т
cyrillic small letter u у
cyrillic small letter ef ф
cyrillic small letter ha х
cyrillic small letter tse ц
cyrillic small letter che ч
cyrillic small letter sha ш
cyrillic small letter shcha щ
cyrillic small letter hard sign ъ
cyrillic small letter yeru ы
cyrillic small letter soft sign ь
cyrillic small letter e э
cyrillic small letter yu ю
cyrillic small letter ya я
cyrillic small letter io ё
cyrillic small letter dje ђ
cyrillic small letter gje ѓ
cyrillic small letter ukrainian ie є
cyrillic small letter dze ѕ
cyrillic small letter byelorussian-ukrainian i і
cyrillic small letter yi ї
cyrillic small letter je ј
cyrillic small letter lje љ
cyrillic small letter nje њ
cyrillic small letter tshe ћ
cyrillic small letter kje ќ
cyrillic small letter short u ў
cyrillic small letter dzhe џ
en space
em space
three-per-em space
four-per-em space
figure space
punctuation space
thin space
hair space
zero width space
zero width non-joiner
zero width joiner
left-to-right mark
right-to-left mark
en dash
em dash
horizontal bar
double vertical line
left single quotation mark
right single quotation mark
single low-9 quotation mark
left double quotation mark
right double quotation mark
double low-9 quotation mark
double dagger
two dot leader
horizontal ellipsis
per mille sign
per ten thousand sign
double prime
triple prime
reversed prime
single left-pointing angle quotation mark
single right-pointing angle quotation mark
caret insertion point
hyphen bullet
fraction slash
reversed semicolon
quadruple prime
medium mathematical space
word joiner
function application
invisible times
invisible separator
euro sign
combining three dots above
combining four dots above
double-struck capital c
care of
script small g
script capital h
black-letter capital h
double-struck capital h
planck constant
planck constant over two pi
script capital i
black-letter capital i
script capital l
script small l
double-struck capital n
numero sign
sound recording copyright
script capital p
double-struck capital p
double-struck capital q
script capital r
black-letter capital r
double-struck capital r
prescription take
trade mark sign
double-struck capital z
ohm sign
inverted ohm sign
black-letter capital z
turned greek small letter iota
angstrom sign
script capital b
black-letter capital c
script small e
script capital e
script capital f
script capital m
script small o
alef symbol
bet symbol
gimel symbol
dalet symbol
double-struck italic capital d
double-struck italic small d
double-struck italic small e
double-struck italic small i
vulgar fraction one third
vulgar fraction two thirds
vulgar fraction one fifth
vulgar fraction two fifths
vulgar fraction three fifths
vulgar fraction four fifths
vulgar fraction one sixth
vulgar fraction five sixths
vulgar fraction one eighth
vulgar fraction three eighths
vulgar fraction five eighths
vulgar fraction seven eighths
leftwards arrow
upwards arrow
rightwards arrow
downwards arrow
left right arrow
up down arrow
north west arrow
north east arrow
south east arrow
south west arrow
leftwards arrow with stroke
rightwards arrow with stroke
rightwards wave arrow
leftwards two headed arrow
upwards two headed arrow
rightwards two headed arrow
downwards two headed arrow
leftwards arrow with tail
rightwards arrow with tail
leftwards arrow from bar
upwards arrow from bar
rightwards arrow from bar
downwards arrow from bar
leftwards arrow with hook
rightwards arrow with hook
leftwards arrow with loop
rightwards arrow with loop
left right wave arrow
left right arrow with stroke
upwards arrow with tip leftwards
upwards arrow with tip rightwards
downwards arrow with tip leftwards
downwards arrow with tip rightwards
downwards arrow with corner leftwards
anticlockwise top semicircle arrow
clockwise top semicircle arrow
anticlockwise open circle arrow
clockwise open circle arrow
leftwards harpoon with barb upwards
leftwards harpoon with barb downwards
upwards harpoon with barb rightwards
upwards harpoon with barb leftwards
rightwards harpoon with barb upwards
rightwards harpoon with barb downwards
downwards harpoon with barb rightwards
downwards harpoon with barb leftwards
rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
leftwards paired arrows
upwards paired arrows
rightwards paired arrows
downwards paired arrows
leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon
rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon
leftwards double arrow with stroke
left right double arrow with stroke
rightwards double arrow with stroke
leftwards double arrow
upwards double arrow
rightwards double arrow
downwards double arrow
left right double arrow
up down double arrow
north west double arrow
north east double arrow
south east double arrow
south west double arrow
leftwards triple arrow
rightwards triple arrow
rightwards squiggle arrow
leftwards arrow to bar
rightwards arrow to bar
downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow
leftwards open-headed arrow
rightwards open-headed arrow
left right open-headed arrow
for all
partial differential
there exists
there does not exist
empty set
element of
not an element of
contains as member
does not contain as member
n-ary product
n-ary coproduct
n-ary summation
minus sign
minus-or-plus sign
dot plus
set minus
asterisk operator
ring operator
square root
proportional to
right angle
measured angle
spherical angle
does not divide
parallel to
not parallel to
logical and
logical or
double integral
triple integral
contour integral
surface integral
volume integral
clockwise integral
clockwise contour integral
anticlockwise contour integral
dot minus
geometric proportion
tilde operator
reversed tilde
inverted lazy s
sine wave
wreath product
not tilde
minus tilde
asymptotically equal to
not asymptotically equal to
approximately equal to
approximately but not actually equal to
neither approximately nor actually equal to
almost equal to
not almost equal to
almost equal or equal to
triple tilde
all equal to
equivalent to
geometrically equivalent to
difference between
approaches the limit
geometrically equal to
approximately equal to or the image of
image of or approximately equal to
colon equals
equals colon
ring in equal to
ring equal to
equiangular to
delta equal to
questioned equal to
not equal to
identical to
not identical to
less-than or equal to
greater-than or equal to
less-than over equal to
greater-than over equal to
less-than but not equal to
greater-than but not equal to
much less-than
much greater-than
not equivalent to
not less-than
not greater-than
neither less-than nor equal to
neither greater-than nor equal to
less-than or equivalent to
greater-than or equivalent to
neither less-than nor equivalent to
neither greater-than nor equivalent to
less-than or greater-than
greater-than or less-than
neither less-than nor greater-than
neither greater-than nor less-than
precedes or equal to
succeeds or equal to
precedes or equivalent to
succeeds or equivalent to
does not precede
does not succeed
subset of
superset of
not a subset of
not a superset of
subset of or equal to
superset of or equal to
neither a subset of nor equal to
neither a superset of nor equal to
subset of with not equal to
superset of with not equal to
multiset multiplication
multiset union
square image of
square original of
square image of or equal to
square original of or equal to
square cap
square cup
circled plus
circled minus
circled times
circled division slash
circled dot operator
circled ring operator
circled asterisk operator
circled dash
squared plus
squared minus
squared times
squared dot operator
right tack
left tack
down tack
up tack
triple vertical bar right turnstile
double vertical bar double right turnstile
does not prove
not true
does not force
negated double vertical bar double right turnstile
precedes under relation
normal subgroup of
contains as normal subgroup
normal subgroup of or equal to
contains as normal subgroup or equal to
original of
image of
hermitian conjugate matrix
right angle with arc
right triangle
n-ary logical and
n-ary logical or
n-ary intersection
n-ary union
diamond operator
dot operator
star operator
division times
left normal factor semidirect product
right normal factor semidirect product
left semidirect product
right semidirect product
reversed tilde equals
curly logical or
curly logical and
double subset
double superset
double intersection
double union
equal and parallel to
less-than with dot
greater-than with dot
very much less-than
very much greater-than
less-than equal to or greater-than
greater-than equal to or less-than
equal to or precedes
equal to or succeeds
does not precede or equal
does not succeed or equal
not square image of or equal to
not square original of or equal to
less-than but not equivalent to
greater-than but not equivalent to
precedes but not equivalent to
succeeds but not equivalent to
not normal subgroup of
does not contain as normal subgroup
not normal subgroup of or equal to
does not contain as normal subgroup or equal
vertical ellipsis
midline horizontal ellipsis
up right diagonal ellipsis
down right diagonal ellipsis
element of with long horizontal stroke
element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
element of with dot above
element of with overbar
small element of with overbar
element of with two horizontal strokes
contains with long horizontal stroke
contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
small contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
contains with overbar
small contains with overbar
left ceiling
right ceiling
left floor
right floor
bottom right crop
bottom left crop
top right crop
top left crop
reversed not sign
telephone recorder
position indicator
top left corner
top right corner
bottom left corner
bottom right corner
all around-profile
apl functional symbol i-beam
apl functional symbol circle stile
apl functional symbol slash bar
right angle with downwards zigzag arrow
upper left or lower right curly bracket section
upper right or lower left curly bracket section
top square bracket
bottom square bracket
bottom square bracket over top square bracket
top parenthesis
bottom parenthesis
top curly bracket
bottom curly bracket
white trapezium
electrical intersection
open box
circled latin capital letter s
box drawings light horizontal
box drawings light vertical
box drawings light down and right
box drawings light down and left
box drawings light up and right
box drawings light up and left
box drawings light vertical and right
box drawings light vertical and left
box drawings light down and horizontal
box drawings light up and horizontal
box drawings light vertical and horizontal
box drawings double horizontal
box drawings double vertical
box drawings down single and right double
box drawings down double and right single
box drawings double down and right
box drawings down single and left double
box drawings down double and left single
box drawings double down and left
box drawings up single and right double
box drawings up double and right single
box drawings double up and right
box drawings up single and left double
box drawings up double and left single
box drawings double up and left
box drawings vertical single and right double
box drawings vertical double and right single
box drawings double vertical and right
box drawings vertical single and left double
box drawings vertical double and left single
box drawings double vertical and left
box drawings down single and horizontal double
box drawings down double and horizontal single
box drawings double down and horizontal
box drawings up single and horizontal double
box drawings up double and horizontal single
box drawings double up and horizontal
box drawings vertical single and horizontal double
box drawings vertical double and horizontal single
box drawings double vertical and horizontal
upper half block
lower half block
full block
light shade
medium shade
dark shade
white square
black small square
white small square
white rectangle
black vertical rectangle
white parallelogram
white up-pointing triangle
black up-pointing small triangle
white up-pointing small triangle
black right-pointing small triangle
white right-pointing small triangle
white down-pointing triangle
black down-pointing small triangle
white down-pointing small triangle
black left-pointing small triangle
white left-pointing small triangle
white circle
white up-pointing triangle with dot
large circle
upper left triangle
upper right triangle
lower left triangle
white medium square
black medium square
black star
white star
black telephone
female sign
male sign
black spade suit
black club suit
black heart suit
black diamond suit
eighth note
music flat sign
music natural sign
music sharp sign
check mark
ballot x
maltese cross
six pointed black star
light vertical bar
light left tortoise shell bracket ornament
light right tortoise shell bracket ornament
mathematical left white square bracket
mathematical right white square bracket
mathematical left angle bracket
mathematical right angle bracket
mathematical left double angle bracket
mathematical right double angle bracket
mathematical left white tortoise shell bracket
mathematical right white tortoise shell bracket
long leftwards arrow
long rightwards arrow
long left right arrow
long leftwards double arrow
long rightwards double arrow
long left right double arrow
long rightwards arrow from bar
long rightwards squiggle arrow
leftwards double arrow with vertical stroke
rightwards double arrow with vertical stroke
left right double arrow with vertical stroke
rightwards two-headed arrow from bar
leftwards double dash arrow
rightwards double dash arrow
leftwards triple dash arrow
rightwards triple dash arrow
rightwards two-headed triple dash arrow
rightwards arrow with dotted stem
upwards arrow to bar
downwards arrow to bar
rightwards two-headed arrow with tail
leftwards arrow-tail
rightwards arrow-tail
leftwards double arrow-tail
rightwards double arrow-tail
leftwards arrow to black diamond
rightwards arrow to black diamond
leftwards arrow from bar to black diamond
rightwards arrow from bar to black diamond
north west arrow with hook
north east arrow with hook
south east arrow with hook
south west arrow with hook
north west arrow and north east arrow
north east arrow and south east arrow
south east arrow and south west arrow
south west arrow and north west arrow
wave arrow pointing directly right
arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards
arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards
arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards
right-side arc clockwise arrow
left-side arc anticlockwise arrow
top arc clockwise arrow with minus
top arc anticlockwise arrow with plus
rightwards arrow with plus below
left right arrow through small circle
upwards two-headed arrow from small circle
left barb up right barb down harpoon
left barb down right barb up harpoon
left barb up right barb up harpoon
up barb right down barb right harpoon
left barb down right barb down harpoon
up barb left down barb left harpoon
leftwards harpoon with barb up to bar
rightwards harpoon with barb up to bar
upwards harpoon with barb right to bar
downwards harpoon with barb right to bar
leftwards harpoon with barb down to bar
rightwards harpoon with barb down to bar
upwards harpoon with barb left to bar
downwards harpoon with barb left to bar
leftwards harpoon with barb up from bar
rightwards harpoon with barb up from bar
upwards harpoon with barb right from bar
downwards harpoon with barb right from bar
leftwards harpoon with barb down from bar
rightwards harpoon with barb down from bar
upwards harpoon with barb left from bar
downwards harpoon with barb left from bar
leftwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb down
upwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right
rightwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb down
downwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right
leftwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb up
leftwards harpoon with barb down above rightwards harpoon with barb down
rightwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb up
rightwards harpoon with barb down above leftwards harpoon with barb down
leftwards harpoon with barb up above long dash
leftwards harpoon with barb down below long dash
rightwards harpoon with barb up above long dash
rightwards harpoon with barb down below long dash
upwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right
downwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right
right double arrow with rounded head
equals sign above rightwards arrow
tilde operator above rightwards arrow
leftwards arrow above tilde operator
rightwards arrow above tilde operator
rightwards arrow above almost equal to
less-than above leftwards arrow
greater-than above rightwards arrow
subset above rightwards arrow
superset above leftwards arrow
left fish tail
right fish tail
up fish tail
down fish tail ⥿
left white parenthesis
right white parenthesis
left square bracket with underbar
right square bracket with underbar
left square bracket with tick in top corner
right square bracket with tick in bottom corner
left square bracket with tick in bottom corner
right square bracket with tick in top corner
left angle bracket with dot
right angle bracket with dot
left arc less-than bracket
right arc greater-than bracket
double left arc greater-than bracket
double right arc less-than bracket
vertical zigzag line
right angle variant with square
measured right angle with dot
angle with underbar
reversed angle with underbar
oblique angle opening up
oblique angle opening down
measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and right
measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and left
measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and right
measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and left
measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and up
measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and up
measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and down
measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and down
reversed empty set
empty set with overbar
empty set with small circle above
empty set with right arrow above
empty set with left arrow above
circle with horizontal bar
circled vertical bar
circled parallel
circled perpendicular
circle with superimposed x
circled anticlockwise-rotated division sign
circled white bullet
circled bullet ⦿
circled less-than
circled greater-than
circle with small circle to the right
circle with two horizontal strokes to the right
squared rising diagonal slash
squared falling diagonal slash
two joined squares
triangle with serifs at bottom
right triangle above left triangle
left triangle beside vertical bar
vertical bar beside right triangle
left double wiggly fence
incomplete infinity
tie over infinity
infinity negated with vertical bar
equals sign and slanted parallel
equals sign and slanted parallel with tilde above
identical to and slanted parallel
black lozenge
solidus with overbar
n-ary circled dot operator
n-ary circled plus operator
n-ary circled times operator
n-ary union operator with plus
n-ary square union operator
quadruple integral operator
finite part integral
circulation function
anticlockwise integration
line integration with rectangular path around pole
line integration with semicircular path around pole
line integration not including the pole
integral around a point operator
quaternion integral operator
integral with leftwards arrow with hook
plus sign with small circle above
plus sign with circumflex accent above
plus sign with tilde above
plus sign with dot below
plus sign with tilde below
plus sign with subscript two
minus sign with comma above
minus sign with dot below
plus sign in left half circle
plus sign in right half circle
vector or cross product
multiplication sign with dot above
multiplication sign with underbar
smash product
multiplication sign in left half circle
multiplication sign in right half circle
circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent
multiplication sign in double circle
circled division sign
plus sign in triangle
minus sign in triangle
multiplication sign in triangle
interior product
amalgamation or coproduct ⨿
intersection with dot
union with overbar
intersection with overbar
intersection with logical and
union with logical or
union above intersection
intersection above union
union above bar above intersection
intersection above bar above union
union beside and joined with union
intersection beside and joined with intersection
closed union with serifs
closed intersection with serifs
closed union with serifs and smash product
double logical and
double logical or
two intersecting logical and
two intersecting logical or
sloping large or
sloping large and
logical and with middle stem
logical or with middle stem
logical and with horizontal dash
logical or with horizontal dash
logical and with underbar
equals sign with dot below
tilde operator with dot above
congruent with dot above
equals with asterisk
almost equal to with circumflex accent
approximately equal or equal to
equals sign above plus sign
plus sign above equals sign
equals sign above tilde operator
double colon equal
two consecutive equals signs
equals sign with two dots above and two dots below
equivalent with four dots above
less-than with circle inside
greater-than with circle inside
less-than with question mark above
greater-than with question mark above
less-than or slanted equal to
greater-than or slanted equal to
less-than or slanted equal to with dot inside ⩿
greater-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
less-than or slanted equal to with dot above
greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above
less-than or slanted equal to with dot above right
greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above left
less-than or approximate
greater-than or approximate
less-than and single-line not equal to
greater-than and single-line not equal to
less-than and not approximate
greater-than and not approximate
less-than above double-line equal above greater-than
greater-than above double-line equal above less-than
less-than above similar or equal
greater-than above similar or equal
less-than above similar above greater-than
greater-than above similar above less-than
less-than above greater-than above double-line equal
greater-than above less-than above double-line equal
less-than above slanted equal above greater-than above slanted equal
greater-than above slanted equal above less-than above slanted equal
slanted equal to or less-than
slanted equal to or greater-than
slanted equal to or less-than with dot inside
slanted equal to or greater-than with dot inside
double-line equal to or less-than
double-line equal to or greater-than
similar or less-than
similar or greater-than
similar above less-than above equals sign
similar above greater-than above equals sign
double nested less-than
double nested greater-than
greater-than overlapping less-than
greater-than beside less-than
less-than closed by curve
greater-than closed by curve
less-than closed by curve above slanted equal
greater-than closed by curve above slanted equal
smaller than
larger than
smaller than or equal to
larger than or equal to
equals sign with bumpy above
precedes above single-line equals sign
succeeds above single-line equals sign
precedes above equals sign
succeeds above equals sign
precedes above not equal to
succeeds above not equal to
precedes above almost equal to
succeeds above almost equal to
precedes above not almost equal to
succeeds above not almost equal to
double precedes
double succeeds
subset with dot
superset with dot
subset with plus sign below ⪿
superset with plus sign below
subset with multiplication sign below
superset with multiplication sign below
subset of or equal to with dot above
superset of or equal to with dot above
subset of above equals sign
superset of above equals sign
subset of above tilde operator
superset of above tilde operator
subset of above not equal to
superset of above not equal to
closed subset
closed superset
closed subset or equal to
closed superset or equal to
subset above superset
superset above subset
subset above subset
superset above superset
superset beside subset
superset beside and joined by dash with subset
element of opening downwards
pitchfork with tee top
transversal intersection
vertical bar double left turnstile
long dash from left member of double vertical
short down tack with overbar
short up tack with underbar
short up tack above short down tack
double up tack
double stroke not sign
reversed double stroke not sign
does not divide with reversed negation slash
vertical line with circle above
vertical line with circle below
down tack with circle below
parallel with horizontal stroke
parallel with tilde operator
double solidus operator
latin small ligature ff
latin small ligature fi
latin small ligature fl
latin small ligature ffi
latin small ligature ffl
mathematical script capital a 𝒜
mathematical script capital c 𝒞
mathematical script capital d 𝒟
mathematical script capital g 𝒢
mathematical script capital j 𝒥
mathematical script capital k 𝒦
mathematical script capital n 𝒩
mathematical script capital o 𝒪
mathematical script capital p 𝒫
mathematical script capital q 𝒬
mathematical script capital s 𝒮
mathematical script capital t 𝒯
mathematical script capital u 𝒰
mathematical script capital v 𝒱
mathematical script capital w 𝒲
mathematical script capital x 𝒳
mathematical script capital y 𝒴
mathematical script capital z 𝒵
mathematical script small a 𝒶
mathematical script small b 𝒷
mathematical script small c 𝒸
mathematical script small d 𝒹
mathematical script small f 𝒻
mathematical script small h 𝒽
mathematical script small i 𝒾
mathematical script small j 𝒿
mathematical script small k 𝓀
mathematical script small l 𝓁
mathematical script small m 𝓂
mathematical script small n 𝓃
mathematical script small p 𝓅
mathematical script small q 𝓆
mathematical script small r 𝓇
mathematical script small s 𝓈
mathematical script small t 𝓉
mathematical script small u 𝓊
mathematical script small v 𝓋
mathematical script small w 𝓌
mathematical script small x 𝓍
mathematical script small y 𝓎
mathematical script small z 𝓏
mathematical fraktur capital a 𝔄
mathematical fraktur capital b 𝔅
mathematical fraktur capital d 𝔇
mathematical fraktur capital e 𝔈
mathematical fraktur capital f 𝔉
mathematical fraktur capital g 𝔊
mathematical fraktur capital j 𝔍
mathematical fraktur capital k 𝔎
mathematical fraktur capital l 𝔏
mathematical fraktur capital m 𝔐
mathematical fraktur capital n 𝔑
mathematical fraktur capital o 𝔒
mathematical fraktur capital p 𝔓
mathematical fraktur capital q 𝔔
mathematical fraktur capital s 𝔖
mathematical fraktur capital t 𝔗
mathematical fraktur capital u 𝔘
mathematical fraktur capital v 𝔙
mathematical fraktur capital w 𝔚
mathematical fraktur capital x 𝔛
mathematical fraktur capital y 𝔜
mathematical fraktur small a 𝔞
mathematical fraktur small b 𝔟
mathematical fraktur small c 𝔠
mathematical fraktur small d 𝔡
mathematical fraktur small e 𝔢
mathematical fraktur small f 𝔣
mathematical fraktur small g 𝔤
mathematical fraktur small h 𝔥
mathematical fraktur small i 𝔦
mathematical fraktur small j 𝔧
mathematical fraktur small k 𝔨
mathematical fraktur small l 𝔩
mathematical fraktur small m 𝔪
mathematical fraktur small n 𝔫
mathematical fraktur small o 𝔬
mathematical fraktur small p 𝔭
mathematical fraktur small q 𝔮
mathematical fraktur small r 𝔯
mathematical fraktur small s 𝔰
mathematical fraktur small t 𝔱
mathematical fraktur small u 𝔲
mathematical fraktur small v 𝔳
mathematical fraktur small w 𝔴
mathematical fraktur small x 𝔵
mathematical fraktur small y 𝔶
mathematical fraktur small z 𝔷
mathematical double-struck capital a 𝔸
mathematical double-struck capital b 𝔹
mathematical double-struck capital d 𝔻
mathematical double-struck capital e 𝔼
mathematical double-struck capital f 𝔽
mathematical double-struck capital g 𝔾
mathematical double-struck capital i 𝕀
mathematical double-struck capital j 𝕁
mathematical double-struck capital k 𝕂
mathematical double-struck capital l 𝕃
mathematical double-struck capital m 𝕄
mathematical double-struck capital o 𝕆
mathematical double-struck capital s 𝕊
mathematical double-struck capital t 𝕋
mathematical double-struck capital u 𝕌
mathematical double-struck capital v 𝕍
mathematical double-struck capital w 𝕎
mathematical double-struck capital x 𝕏
mathematical double-struck capital y 𝕐
mathematical double-struck small a 𝕒
mathematical double-struck small b 𝕓
mathematical double-struck small c 𝕔
mathematical double-struck small d 𝕕
mathematical double-struck small e 𝕖
mathematical double-struck small f 𝕗
mathematical double-struck small g 𝕘
mathematical double-struck small h 𝕙
mathematical double-struck small i 𝕚
mathematical double-struck small j 𝕛
mathematical double-struck small k 𝕜
mathematical double-struck small l 𝕝
mathematical double-struck small m 𝕞
mathematical double-struck small n 𝕟
mathematical double-struck small o 𝕠
mathematical double-struck small p 𝕡
mathematical double-struck small q 𝕢
mathematical double-struck small r 𝕣
mathematical double-struck small s 𝕤
mathematical double-struck small t 𝕥
mathematical double-struck small u 𝕦
mathematical double-struck small v 𝕧
mathematical double-struck small w 𝕨
mathematical double-struck small x 𝕩
mathematical double-struck small y 𝕪
mathematical double-struck small z 𝕫